The college process is an opportunity for personal growth, self-reflection, and self-discovery.
The Sixth Form year is a time of profound change: students begin to think about leaving the Groton School community, entering adulthood, and choosing a college. We are aware of the excitement and challenges, and we provide tools to help our students navigate the many paths toward college admission.
While outcomes are important, so is the process. The College Counseling Office focuses on discovering good matches between students and colleges. We believe this is each student’s personal journey. The role of Groton’s college counselors is to support, guide, and educate students and their families; students come to understand themselves as they explore the ever-changing world of college admission.
Beginning in winter of Fifth Form, college counselors hold group information sessions, individual meetings with students and their parents, and parent presentations. During Sixth Form, students continue with individual meetings and have the opportunity to talk with more than one hundred college representatives who visit Groton. In addition, families and students have access to the school’s computer-based college counseling program, which provides statistics, college searches, links to scholarships, and other information.