A Few Thoughts From Groton About Application Deadlines
With our deadline approaching, I write to express our appreciation for the time and energy required to complete applications. Thank you for the work you have done to help us get to know you!
A word about deadlines: We would like applicants to submit their portion of the application by January 15. Is it a problem if a recommendation, transcript, or test result arrives later? No! We know this is beyond your control. The best place to check whether or not we have received your materials is your Application Portal, not the Gateway site. At this busy time, there is often a lag between when materials arrive at the Gateway application system and when they are transmitted to Groton's application portal. Don't worry if all the material does not appear in your application portal right away.
At this time, we have no more availability for in-person or remote interviews. You may consider providing a video introduction and a short presentation about yourself and your interests. This step is not required, but it is an option for applicants who would like to offer something beyond the Candidate Statement as a means of introducing themselves to Groton. Please click here to access information about the video introduction.
Thank you for the interest you have expressed in attending Groton School.