News Detail - Zebra Tales

Zebras Spotted in Norway

As the school year wound down last year, Tina Scalese ‘26 and I were invited by our summer hockey coach to assist him overseas in Årnes, Norway. We were ecstatic to have the opportunity to do so many things we love: play hockey, travel, coach, and meet new people! So, in late June, we hopped on a plane and traveled across the seas to coach kids ranging from 6 years old to 16.
It was an unbelievable experience. We taught the Norwegian kids many new skills and skating techniques, mostly only seen in the U.S. In addition to coaching, we spent a lot of time at the rink, talking with camp members and employees, sightseeing, learning about Norwegian culture, and, most importantly, eating waffles. The waffles were, without a doubt, the best food I’ve ever tasted… I would go back just for another bite of them.

While we were in Norway, we stayed with a billet family. Tina and I shared a bedroom in the attic of their adorable house. During our visit, Norway was experiencing Midsummer, a time when the sun doesn’t set and it stays light for 24 hours a day. It was tough adjusting to the constant daylight, and sometimes we found ourselves waking up at 4 in the morning, but the view from our window was always beautiful.

And to top it off, Groton student Vilhelmine ‘26 drove from her hometown just outside of Oslo to visit us while we were exploring downtown. So many zeebs in Norway!

The week we spent there was definitely the highlight of my summer, and I would return to Norway in a heartbeat. The relationships I formed and the experiences I had in Norway are memories I will cherish forever.