List of 10 news stories.

  • Closing Ceremony: Final Day in Edinburgh

    On the last day of the trip, we spent our day watching many plays. I started with a play called 300 Paintings. This show was a comedian recounting his experience with becoming an artist. The other group got to see Kafka’s Ape, a story about racism through the embodiment of an ape. 
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  • Tectonic Theatre Moment Workshop & Military Tattoo

    This morning, we did a workshop on Moment Making with the Tectonic Theater Project. In small groups we built theatrical moments using different elements of theater and shared with the group. 
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  • Same Team: “No Scotland, No Party” & Dracula on Love Island

    Day nine in Edinburgh was an exciting day at the Fringe. This was the first time I truly experienced the exhilaration and chaos of rushing from show to show; literally having to sprint to make it to our second show. We were given the opportunity to plan out our own days according to the type of shows we wanted to see.
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  • Musical Improv Workshop and First Fringe Performance!

    It’s day eight of the Edinburgh GEO, and we are finally performing our show, Away Went the World for the first time at 10PM! Before the evening arrives, though, we still have a lot of show-watching to do. It’s day eight of the Edinburgh GEO, and we are finally performing our show, Away Went the World for the first time at 10PM! Before the evening arrives, though, we still have a lot of show-watching to do. 
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  • Sightseeing: Stirling Castle, Kelpies, and more!

    Today was our day of sightseeing! We were up bright and early—9 AM—and hopped onto a tour bus to check out the beautiful Scottish countryside. Our guide, a super jolly local, took us through humongous green fields filled with baby sheep and tons of cows. We saw gorgeous palaces peeking through the trees, and the mountains and hills were so high, just thinking about climbing them made me want to pass out.
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  • Sunrise Hike to Arthur’s Seat, Castles Galore, and Tech

    3:45 AM. Both of our alarms ring simultaneously. We open our eyes and look at each other. It's too early. But we know we have to get out of bed. 
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  • Venue Tour, National Museum of Scotland, and more

    Hi guys, this is Chloe and Caiyu and we're reporting as the Scotland Theatre GEO group leaders today! 
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  • Exploring Medieval Manhattan

    Our group dived into a historical walking tour full of legends, serial killers, and ghost stories! Upon returning to campus, we optimized our time to have our first rehearsal session and full run-through since the school year ended.
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  • Cast Bonding Out and About in Pre-Festival Edinburgh

    Today we landed at 8 AM in SUNNY Edinburgh (that's not something people often say!) where we were greeted by our WorldStrides Blue Badge Guide. We had an easy transport into the city center and many of us had a "oh wow" moment when we realized that the "New Town" section of the city is older than the US and features gorgeous Georgian architecture.
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  • Scotland GEO starts its adventure

    Hi everyone!  Today artists and students from all over the globe are starting the journey to Edinburgh to dive into the Festival fun and we are among them!  Please keep your eye on this site for updates on our journey, posts from our performances and other exciting GEO info.