It was still snowing two days after it began on Sunday, and a foot and a half was already on the ground. After a warm dinner and some ping pong, Michelle looked out the window and asked: “Do you guys want to go sledding?” She and the other three of us--Kaysan, Emilia, and I--decided to meet up about 20 minutes later. After we met near the dorms, we waddled through the knee-high snow to the hill and found another group of 3rd formers, though they disappeared at some point without our noticing. What began with attempts, though fails, at 4 person sledding, all morphed after a well-placed snowball. I surprised Kaysan with a fastball to the back, and chaos commenced: chases, a few long-range tosses, and tackles into the snow banks. Having spent some time making, or rather trying to make, snow angels that turned out, as you might suspect, not as pristine as we had hoped, I redeclared war with a completely unexpected toss at Kaysan, leading to another period of much the same. Michelle suggested that someone be buried, and so I, as pictured, was about 95% submerged in the snow. Because snow is, you know, cold, Emilia offered that we make our way over to the dining hall to make hot chocolate. We waded through the snow and then sat for a bit before eventually heading back to the dorms to finish up on homework and take it easy for the rest of the night.